Wappenbund - Kinder Des Lichtes (2004)
Label: Greyland C: GR 14
Format: CD
Country: Germany
Style: Martial Industrial
Bitrate: MP3 CBR 320 Kbps
Size: 90 Mb
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Wappenbund - Kinder Des Lichtes (2004)
Arditi - Marching On To Victory (2007)
Notes: Reissue from the album released on Svartvintras productions with two additional unavailable bonus tracks.
Boasting the unique personality of this Swedish combo, their music taps further into the darker tones of Militaristic Neo-Classical ambiance that has become the band's trademark - ever effective in their use of crushing orchestrations and evocative speeches, Arditi hereby drags the listener around muddy trenches, and casting an hypnotizing veil over the turmoil of warfare-inspired Industrial soundscapes.
Von Liebenfels - Herren Der Schwarzen Sonne (2008)